
How to Get Mildew Smell Out of Clothes


We have the ultimate guide on how to get mildew smell out of clothes and reclaim your wardrobe from the clutches of musty odors!

What is that smell? Dealing with the unpleasant odor of mildew on clothes can be frustrating. Whether it's due to storing clothes in a damp environment or leaving them wet for too long, the musty smell of mildew can linger on fabrics. However, with the right techniques, you can effectively eliminate the mildew smell and rescue your treasured garments. We’re here to shoes you how to get mildew smell out of clothes and how to prevent it in the future, so that musty, wet-dog smell can be a thing of the past.

Why are my clothes smelling like mildew?

Mildew smell on clothes typically occurs when damp or wet garments are exposed to a warm and humid environment, allowing mold or mildew spores to grow and thrive. This can happen by leaving wet clothes for too long without drying, storing clothes in a damp area, or forgetting your clothes in the washing machine overnight. The idea of mold and mildew may be scary–but don’t worry! This problem is easier to fix than you may think.

How to Get Mildew Smell Out Of Clothes

Getting rid of mildew smell in clothes may seem intimidating, but it’s easier than you’d expect! We’ll show you two methods for how to get musty smell out of clothes.

How to Get Mildew Smell Out of Clothes with Oxi Boosters

Step 1: Wash

It’s time to use our favorite all-purpose cleaning secret weapon: Dropps Oxi Booster Pods. Dropps Oxi Booster, a chlorine-free oxygen bleach, is designed to boost cleaning power to tackle stubborn stains and odors. That mildew-y wet laundry smell won’t know what hit it! Add one Oxi Booster Pod to the washing machine along with your laundry detergent and wash using the hottest water recommended by the care label. This high powered, hot water wash should remove any musty smells.

Step 2: Dry

Excess moisture is one of the top culprits for musty smelling clothes, so be sure your clothes are completely dry before hanging them up or putting them away. If you machine dry your clothes, add an XL Wool Dryer Ball to shorten your drying time. If you prefer to air dry your clothes, try hanging them in direct sunlight in order to take advantage of the sun’s natural antibacterial properties.

How to Remove Mildew Smell from Clothes with Vinegar

Step 1: Wash

Vinegar is an incredible natural cleaning product that you likely already have in your pantry! Set your washing machine to use hot water and add one cup of white vinegar to the wash instead of detergent. Vinegar is a natural deodorizer that should remove the moldy, mildew smell from your clothes while helping to break up any bacteria that started to grow.

Step 2: Dry

Be sure to dry your clothes completely to prevent the problem from occurring again! f you machine dry your clothes, try adding an XL Wool Dryer Ball to shorten your drying time. If you prefer to air dry your clothes, try hanging them in direct sunlight in order to take advantage of the sun’s natural antibacterial properties.

Can You Prevent Mildew Smell on Clothes?

When it comes to mildew smell on clothes, prevention is key! Here are a few rules of thumb to follow.

Proper Drying

Make sure that your clothes are completely dry before putting them away. Avoid leaving wet clothes sitting in the washing machine or in a pile–this creates a damp environment for mildew to thrive.


Whenever possible, store clothes in a well-ventilated area, allowing air to circulate and prevent moisture buildup.

Clean Your Machine!

Clean your washing machine and dryer regularly to prevent the buildup of mold and mildew. A clean machine makes for cleaner clothes!

Frequently Asked Questions

Have more questions about how to get the mildew smell out of clothes? We’re here to help.

What takes mildew smell out of clothes?

Effective methods for removing mildew smell include washing clothes with vinegar or Oxi Booster Pods, sun-drying, and utilizing commercial odor removers. Follow our guide above for step by step instructions!

Does mildew smell come out of clothes?

Absolutely! The proper cleaning method will eliminate the mildew smell from clothes.

Why do my clothes still smell like mildew after washing?

Clothes may retain a mildew smell if they were not washed thoroughly, dried completely, or if the washing machine itself is not clean. Make sure you are properly washing and drying your clothes in a clean machine!

How do I get the mildew smell out of clothes I can't wash?

For clothes that cannot be washed, you can try spot-cleaning the affected areas using a mixture of water and vinegar or Oxi Booster Pods. Additionally, hanging them in direct sunlight or using commercial odor removers specifically designed for such situations can help eliminate the smell.

Can mildew smell be washed out of clothes?

Yes, mildew smell can be washed out of clothes. Use hot water, appropriate detergent, and additives like vinegar or baking soda during the washing process to effectively remove the odor.

How long does it take for mold smell to come out of clothes?

The time it takes to get mildew smell out of clothes can vary depending on the severity of the odor. Generally, washing clothes with odor-removing techniques and allowing them to air dry in sunlight can help eliminate the smell within a few hours.